The following Occupational Groups offer a number of career opportunities for technology professionals. Select an occupational group from the listing below to explore technology job descriptions and technology careers. You'll find a brief description of each technology career, employment outlook, wage information, a listing of colleges, training schools and instructional programs for the occupations, and current job opportunity postings from the TechMaine Jobs Board.

Architecture and Engineering Occupations
This group includes professionals responsible for design and development of virtually all man-made construction and manufacturing processes.

Arts Design Entertainment Sports and Media Occupations
This broad group encompasses the creative workforce. Technology empowers and stretches the output of workers in this category.

Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Workers in this group use technology to conduct resource valuation or diligence in relation to business operations. Business professionals are needed in every industry.

Computer and Mathematical Occupations
The general role of the computer and mathematical occupations group is to develop and implement solutions reliant on computational programming.

Education Training and Library Occupations
Jobs in this group reside at academic institutions; training and development specialists are included in the Business and Financial Operations group.

Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
The healthcare practitioners and technicians group includes professionals involved in direct medical treatment and technical support.

Installation Maintenance and Repair Occupations
This group includes mechanics, installers, technicians, and repairers. Technology is a major component of the work subject and tools.

Life Physical and Social Science Occupations
The occupations in this group conduct investigation, research, and analysis within the life and natural sciences.

Management Occupations
Management positions are widely available in technology organizations. Occupations in this group plan, direct, or coordinate business unit operations.

Office and Administrative Support Occupations
The office and administrative support group provides ancillary services. Technology is a major component of the work subject and tools.