Dynamics GP Users Group



The 2013 Round 2 Tax Update for Dynamics GP U.S. Payroll users will be released by Friday January 11th.  

Changes included in this update are:

  • Federal (Single, Married & Nonresident Alien filing status) (Social Security and Medicare changed in round 1)
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Georgia
  • Hawaii
  • Illinois
  • Maine
  • Oklahoma
  • Oregon
  • Puerto Rico
  • Rhode Island

The IRS has released the 2013 tax tables, and they can be viewed on their website at: 



There will be a January Hotfix available the week of January 21st for GP 2010 and GP 2013.  

If you are on an unsupported version of Dynamics GP and need to process payroll – contact us to discuss an upgrade.

Tidestone Solutions
PMB 9715-805
Portland 04104
Phone: 207-761-2133
Contact: Alicia Berglund

Tidestone Solutions hosts quarterly meetings for Dynamics GP Users.  This group provides an opportunity to connect with other local businesses who are using Dynamics GP

Do you have any topics of interest you would like to learn more about?  Any areas in your business process that need improvement?  Contact us to add it to the agenda!  This is YOUR group!  Why not take this opportunity to learn more?

This group is open to all Dynamics GP users.  We look forward to seeing you there!