Freebie Fridays

15 Franklin Street, 2nd Floor
Portland , ME 04101
Phone: 207 200 4032
Contact: Elizabeth Smith

Are you an entrepreneur in need of advice from a tech expert? Would you like that advice for free?

Freeport Metrics is providing monthly office hours where you can meet with a tech & software expert and talk about the needs/ideas/road blocks that your start-up is facing. Freeport Metrics has worked with many start-ups by providing not only technological expertise and out-of-the-box strategic thinking, but hands-on execution of software platform build-outs.

What you can expect from your conversation with us:

  • Vet your tech ideas with an expert
  • Learn if your idea is feasible, doable, affordable
  • Brainstorm work-arounds to problems
  • Discover new ways to look at your idea/problem