Maine Center for Entrepreneurial Development (MCED)

30 Danforth Street Suite 216
Portland , ME 04101
Phone: 207-774-8111

The Maine Center for Entrepreneurial Development (MCED) is a private non-profit founded in 1997 that assists entrepreneurs building scalable innovation based Maine businesses.

Although historically a traditional incubator that offered entrepreneurs space located on an academic campus, MCED is now a leading edge virtual resource for the most promising startups, regardless of their Maine location.

  • Our premiere Top Gun Entrepreneurship Acceleration program combines mentoring, curriculum and community to classes of competitively selected entrepreneurs.
  • Campus Ventures, in collaboration with the University of Southern Maine, offers paid student interns and project management to advance entrepreneurs' technical and business needs in parallel.
  • Affiliate incubation services provide customized assistance to companies on a growth path that may include equity financing.
  • Our popular Lunch and Learn seminar series offers a broader entrepreneurial audience informative two-hour talks for ten bucks that provide actionable information.

MCED partners with numerous organizations, and relies on a robust network of volunteer mentors and professional services providers, in order to ensure that Maine's most promising start-ups receive the assistance necessary to meet their full potential.