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The New Metrics of App Testing
Measuring the Success and Failure of New QA Practices
Building a Home Lab for VMware vSphere 6.0
Learn how to (relatively) inexpensively setup a simulated lab environment using the latest version of VMware.
Content Marketing: 11 Steps to Engage, Entertain, and Inform
Learn step by step how to keep your audience engaged, entertained, and informed with your content.
6 Tips for Managing a Remote Workforce Guide
How does the international team leader ensure that the necessary lines of communication stay up when there are thousands of miles and half a dozen time zones separating offices?
Sales and Use Tax Compliance for Dummies
In any economic environment, your goal for your business is to increase the bottom line, and you can do that in two ways: by increasing sales or by reducing costs. One of the hidden costs of doing business is the cost of effectively and accurately charging and remitting sales tax.
Analyzing the Value of Responsive Design Can Be Messy
Responsive web design is an integral part of customer engagement in our multi-device world. But the additional costs and resources can be hard to justify for budget holders demanding proof of ROI.
Security Reimagined, Part I: An Adaptive Approach to Cyber Threats for the Digital Age
Conventional security detects threats too late (if at all), and resolves them too slowly. Organizations need a flexible, deeply integrated framework that offers a far-reaching view of threats and evolves as quickly as conditions do. And it must take an active, “lean-forward” posture. FireEye calls this approach Adaptive Defense™.
Delivering Digital Experiences
To drive loyalty and revenue, brands need to deliver personalized, meaningful digital experiences.
2015 Job Seeker Nation Study
Inside the mind of the modern job seeker.