3ds Max 2013 Essential Training

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The course covers Autodesk 3DS Max from the ground up, providing a thorough overview of this advanced 3D graphics and modeling package. Author Aaron F. Ross covers the 3ds Max interface and walks through common tasks such as modeling, texturing, lighting, animating, and rendering. The course is centered around real-world projects that provide designers practical examples to use with the lessons.

Topics include:

  • Creating primitives
  • Setting units and dimensions
  • Modeling with splines
  • Lofting objects
  • Cloning and grouping objects
  • Using the modifier stack
  • Editing polygon meshes
  • Working with subdivision surfaces
  • Creating NURBS curves and surfaces
  • Building materials
  • Mapping textures
  • Controlling lights and shadows
  • Keyframing animations
  • Rendering a sequence
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Course Hours: 7h 9m
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