Adobe Dreamweaver: Creating CSS Layouts
This course covers how to use Dreamweaver, the world's leading Web page creation tool, to create web pages formatted with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).
Cascading Style Sheets are widely supported in today's modern browsers and Web designers are learning to use them in ever more powerful and creative ways. This technology enables web pages across a site to be more consistent while giving designers more control over the layout and design than straight HTML ever did. This course covers everything you will need to know to use Adobe Dreamweaver to start creating your CSS-based layouts and how to modify existing CSS pages to make them your own or to meet a set of specific design needs. If you are already a Dreamweaver user and want to learn how to use CSS to create more sophisticated page layouts and get more control over the look and consistency of your pages, then this is the resource for you. Work files are included.
Course Hours: 8